What Does Pseudo-Intellectual Mean?

Modern Language

Jack Smith
Nov 16, 2020

The term Pseudo-intellectual is used more than ever in modern politics. Both political sides refer to members of the opposite side as “Pseudo-intellectuals.” It often gets defined wrongly as simply someone who discuses and debates complex topics without a degree in the specific field.

This is wrong, here is this Merriam Webster definition:

“A person who wants to be thought of as having a lot of intelligence and knowledge but who is not really intelligent or knowledgeable.“

-Merriam Webster

The key term in that definition is “Knowledgeable”. How can you define Knowledgeable? How can you define or pinpoint someone who “intelligent”?

In basic form, a pseudo-intellectual is someone who may well have 1000 degrees in every social science possible however they have no clear idea what they are talking about.

Here is a list of ways to catch out a Pseudo-intellectual:

  • Repetition of same point without adding anything else to the point.
  • Using ‘Big Words’ they cannot define or us properly.
  • Uncomfortable when their view point are challenged.
  • Cannot cite sources of the point they are making.
  • Uses buzzwords in nearly every sentence, when making an argument.

The term was popularised in recent history by scholars like Dr. Jordan Peterson, who criticised ‘SJW’s’ by calling them pseudo-intellectuals and saying they have pseudo-intellectual opinions.

Merriam Webster



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